Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Registered Dietitian?
A Registered Dietitian is a food and nutrition professional who translates the science of nutrition into practical solutions. Registered Dietitians are your most credible, objective source of information about how to manage nutrition and the affects it has on your body, mind, and emotions.
Registered Dietitian credentials indicate that the practitioner has completed an accredited four-year educational program, 1200 hours of supervised practice, and passed a national exam. In addition, they are trained in the use of Nutrition to prevent and control disease..​
How long does nutritional counseling take?
It depends upon your goals. While the time to reach long-term results differs from person to person, you can expect to see changes within two weeks. Your initial appointment lasts about 1-1.5 hours. Then, we will follow up weekly for the first month, then transition to every other week. A lot is going on each week in a family’s life and its important to stay on top of the current issues.
How much does nutritional counseling cost?
The Initial session costs $125 and provides valuable information about how to create options and a plan that works for you. Follow up sessions are $75. You may also choose to purchase multiple sessions in advance at a discount. Payment plans are available. I want to make it possible for anyone to get the support they need to achieve their goals. I can also help you fill out a form to submit to seek reimbursement from your insurance.
Will I have to make big changes?
No. Our counseling approach is to allow you to make small changes that make a big difference. Every person is unique and has personal likes or dislikes. One value of nutritional counseling is to provide a broad range of options and ideas from which you can choose, so that you can still enjoy your lifestyle and also make progress toward your goals.
Do we have to follow a planned menu or use points? ​
No. KNH structures your nutrition to work around your lifestyle and schedule, and to accommodate the foods that are available to you – foods that you like!
Where are counseling sessions held? ​
The KNH office is in the Upper Kirby area. In-home sessions are also available, useful, and can include cooking demonstrations, a pantry makeover, and more.